MOLIN CORVO gallery presents luminous works by Max Blotas and Gabriele dal Dosso

by TEAM PARIS SOCIAL DIARY, photography by | 22 March, 2017

MOLIN CORVO gallery presents luminous works by Max Blotas and Gabriele dal Dosso

“Light Works” is the meeting of two artists who used light to give a new idiom to their artworks. A dialogue that goes beyond the work itself, which emanates the strenght escorting the stroke, the drawing, be it traced on wood with a laser or drawn with a ink pen  on a simple blank paper.

Gabriele Dal Dosso approaches and matches two natural materials such as wood and glass to concretize a new chapter of the CUBO DI GABO series, making this time an illusion out of it, got from the origin of his reflection, taking the cue from the Möbius band stucture, thus setting in a double image, drawing and neon, the 2D reproduction of one of his philosophical objects.

In the “Le Démon à l’Âge Classique” Max Blotas establishes a big, non exhaustive index of lugubrious sets. This drawn collection of places will eventually help realize a brand new grimoire of (black) magic on an electronic ink book. “light works” | max blotas – gabriele dal dosso.


The exposition will be open from March 22nd to April 1st 2017 | 1pm to 6pm | Address